social media marketing for resorts

Social media marketing for hotels/resorts

Social media Marketing for Hotel and Restaurants

 Let’s start with the basics

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is promoting your resort or restaurant with the help of social media marketing which is more effective and builds brand and engagement with potential customers which traditional marketing can’t even do a little

Social media is about Building Brand, Creating Awareness, connecting with followers who can be your potential customers, Building trust and this all factors matter a lot For every business

And the bigger resorts are working on it and the same platforms because its potential is high and lets to get more customers in the long run

check out this video

Let’s take an example – (Feel like a tourist), now here is the question for you, your decision making must be like a customer

Would you prefer a resort that has no social presence?

or a resort that has a social presence that showcases you what you can expect from the resort, the experience, and most importantly the trust factor which builds when you interact and help others with their related queries

Who would you pick?

The resort with a social presence, I heard you say it in your mind

But why Is that?

Because It’s all about the thought process, if people who know you, tend to buy from you because they trust you

Now in the world of digitalization Customers want to see what you have for them and ask questions rather than trying to go to few resorts and find that they didn’t like it or couldn’t meet the expectation.

And even though you have a small resort also and you have a social presence then you will not have the problem of customers as you build your social media presence which takes some time.

Now let dive into How it’s done

Just want to clarify that, it’s not about just posting pictures on social media, and people will follow and be your customer, it’s Never like that,

If It was like that then most of the businesses would never have the problem of getting new people in the resort.


Yes, posting pictures on social media is important


Without a plan, strategy, and the purpose of the pictures/Content makes no sense, don’t you feel?

For Example, if you post a picture without Hashtags it will not reach a lot of people except your followers,


If you Put Hashtags without research, not relevant and proper targeting then it’s worthless and a waste of time and money

#1 Growth Tip

I want to share for resorts’ social media Is Try to share content that is engaging to your potential customers.

There Are a lot of Growth hacks like this, which can help resorts and Grow it.

There are two ways social media marketing is done

1) Organic

2) Inorganic

Both are very important but If you are starting and have less Budget for social media Than You should go with the Organic way

Let’s talk about

organic method

Organic is free but it’s the harder than inorganic way especially If you don’t know about the social media platforms and how they work

Because organic is all about Understanding the platform’s algorithm and having the knowledge about the platform which a person who has learned and implemented.

As I talked about hashtags, it Needs research and test what’s relevant and works better.

It’s about writing Engaging captions and creating engaging Content For this You got to know about your customers.

Inorganic Method

you got to know about who to create ads, target the audience and select how many people you want to reach by paying Instagram which is not possible in organic

Inorganic It’s all about you and the reach will depend on your strategies.

Social media has a lot of benefits to it and the intent can be different.

Now you will think if people want to come to our resort, they will see pictures from our Google Maps

Yes, they can see the pictures, only if They Find You and the Intent is completely different, there is No reach, there is no engagement except questions and answers, and You can’t post Engaging content

And Now in Social Media, You get all the advantages and all the features and the intent is different

What is Intent?

Let’s take an example a chocolate

  • #1 If you want chocolate you will go to the shop near to you and buy (Intent in Google Maps)
  • #2 You see an ad of a chocolate by a shop maybe some in your city, you will go there because You had it in the mind but didn’t know where to go, want it After you saw the chocolate (social media marketing)

Can you see the difference?

And If we see both are important but

#2 Growth Tip

social media marketing has more advantages when the intent is different

And most importantly, People love to go where they know, and when you nurture them and showcase your resort it makes it easier for the people to make discissions

Why would someone don’t Do branding so that they turn into customers because they don’t know about a particular New thing,

And this is not new but due to lack of knowledge and understanding most of the owners did not look into it but now it has become a necessity which is Social Media Marketing.

But it takes some time to build an audience and grow social media platform and it’s completely Worth it for the long term as well as (a short term with the help of ads)

Exclusive Tip: Outside social media marketing, Focus on Retention because the

a win for the service industry is always retention which is retaining customers by providing them an amazing Service. If you need a social media marketing service, I am open to

servicing clients, fill this form(click the link below) and we will get in touch


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