Social media strategy building in an process which you will understand when you do it and it will depend on your business and what you are trying to archive on social media
Three key business areas
with social sharing the content marketing social media ensure that your message reaches the right people
2) Branding
social media can impact how people view your brand and the ideas or traits they relate your brand to
Sentiment – people’s feeling towards your brand
Evangelist – number of people mentioning you all your product on social media
Brand mentions – customers promoting your product to their friends
- Conversions patients are not just about sales and leads
Sales and leads – view and by product and increase orders
Social activities share your articles on products through email Facebook Twitter and YouTube
Subscription – submit your review about a product and comment on it
Narrowing down achievable business goals
Ask department about their goals
Ask team let’s of different departments and their goals for the next financial year are
Creating a plan
State the information obtained to start creating a plan
Identify the goals and micro goals
Goals tasks to be achieved ultimately
example go to the movie
Micro goals steps taken to achieve the task example what to watch overdrive
Detailed goals produce stronger micro goals
Drive new referral traffic, enroll repeat students, contact potential New audience is an goal
Define tactics according to the micro goals
Drive u referral traffic, contact potential audience and rule repeat students
Choose channels according to tactics
There must be an overlap of different things and the overlap will define the best channel for your business
Choose 3-4 overlaps
When you have 3 – 4 overlaps it’s considered as an healthy channels to work upon and can be one of the best things you can do
Building campaign foundation put together and Campaign idea to buy the foundation
Content plans must be related to education on educating audiences on your product or services
Camping idea you must focus on conversions you can also see the past conversions and do more that
Ongoing process of compounding
Learning efforts
measure result
analyse data
determine value
Examine paths
re-order rules
craft new campaigns
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yes completely agree